
In reverse chronlogical order.

  1. Warehouse Problem with Multiple Vendors and Generalized Complementarity Constraints
    Ishan Bansal, Oktay Günlük. Submitted

  2. Network Design on Undirected Series-Parallel Graphs
    Ishan Bansal, Ryan Mao, Avhan Mishra. Submitted

  3. A constant factor approximation for the $(p,3)$-Flexible Graph Connectivity Problem
    Ishan Bansal. Preprint

  4. Algorithms for 2-Connected Network Design and Flexible Steiner Trees with a Constant Number of Terminals
    Ishan Bansal, Joseph Cheriyan, Logan Grout, Sharat Ibrahimpur. APPROX 2023

  5. Improved Approximation Algorithms by Generlaizing the Primal-Dual Method Beyond Uncrossable Functions
    Ishan Bansal, Joseph Cheriyan, Logan Grout, Sharat Ibrahimpur. ICALP 2023

  6. Warehouse Problem with Bounds, Fixed Costs and Complementairity Constraints
    Ishan Bansal, Oktay Günlük. Submitted

  7. Extensions of the $(p,q)$-Flexible Graph Connectivity Problem
    Ishan Bansal, Joseph Cheriyan, Logan Grout, Sharat Ibrahimpur. Preprint

Working Papers

  1. Approximation Algorithms for the Parallel Token Swapping Problem arising in Qubit Routing.
    Ishan Bansal, Oktay Günlük, Ricky Shapley

  2. Improved Approximation Algorithms for Edge Augmentation Problems.
    Ishan Bansal

  3. New and Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Set Covering Problem on Tree-Fundamental Cycle Matrices.
    Ishan Bansal, Jochen Köenemann, Chaitanya Swamy